Quick Stats


Single Family Detached

Average Price: $1,281,050

Days To Sell: 22



Average Price: $860,573

Days To Sell: 29



Average Price: $550,328

Days To Sell: 29



Average Price: $603,760

Days To Sell: 106


Segmented Analysis


Single Family Detached (Month-To-Month)

New Listings: +14.65%

Sales: -26.76%

Average Sale Price: +32.92%


Single Family Detached (Year-To-Date)

New Listings: +4.68%

Sales: -22.50%

Average Sale Price: +32.44%


Townhomes (Month-To-Month)

New Listings: +1.32%

Sales: -43.92%

Average Sale Price: +34.34%


Townhomes (Year-to-Date)

New Listings: -16.00%

Sales: -28.24%

Average Sale Price: +25.89%


Condos (Month-To-Month)

New Listings: -11.64%

Sales: -24.72%

Average Sale Price: +28.17%


Condos (Year-To-Date)

New Listings: -18.98%

Sales: -15.29%

Average Sale Price: +30.07%


Real estate listings and sales for the month of March saw an uptick of activity over February, showing signs that the typically busy Spring market has begun in the Okanagan.

While sales numbers have been low compared to 2021 they are still well above average and sale prices have seen a steady increase as well.

One thing we have noticed is a considerable slowdown of multiple offers on properties, with many properties getting just one or no offers at the offer deadline. We are seeing more properties on the market now that are taking offers as they come in, instead of setting a certain day to look at offers.

2 storey single family detached homes, townhomes, and condos seem to be the strongest market segments at this time with the highest demand.